Tugas 3 Softskill : Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer
Si Jago Merah Lahap Tiga Kios di Rawa Buaya
Kahfi Dirga Cahya
Kompas.com - 17/05/2015, 12:02 WIB
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Kebakaran melanda bangunan di Jalan Bojong Indah, Rawa Buaya, Jakarta Barat,
Minggu (17/5/2015) 06.20 WIB. Kebakaran tersebut bermula dari korsleting
listrik di salah satu kios.
"Sumber api dari korsleting
listrik di bengkel bubut," kata petugas jaga Suku Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran
dan Penanggulangan Bencana (PB) Jakarta Barat, Suparjo saat dihubungi Kompas.com,
Jakarta, Minggu (17/5/2015).
Api tersebut kemudian merembet ke bangunan lainnya yang
berada di samping. Api semakin membesar karena bangunan tersebut merupakan toko
furniture dan produksi sablon. "Kalau untuk bangunan ada tiga yang
terbakar," kata Suparjo.
Pemadam kebakaran menerjunkan 18 unit mobil untuk
memadamkan api. Api berhasil dipadamkan selama dua jam. Dari musibah kebakaran
tersebut, tidak ada korban jiwa. Namun kerugian yang ditaksir mencapai ratusan
juta rupiah.
"Kerugian sampai Rp 500 juta
lebih," kata Suparjo.
The Jago Merah
Terbap Tiga Kios in Rawa Buaya
Kahfi Dirga Cahya
Kompas.com - 17/05/2015, 12:02 WIB
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - The fire struck the building on Jalan Bojong Indah, Rawa Buaya, West Jakarta, Sunday (5/17/2015) 06:20 pm. The fire started with an electrical short circuit at one of the kiosks.
"The source of fire from electrical short circuit in lathe workshop," said officer of West Jakarta Fire and Disaster Prevention Agency Suparjo when contacted Kompas.com, Jakarta, Sunday (5/17/2015).
The fire then spread to other buildings that are on the side. Fire is getting bigger because the building is a furniture store and screen printing production. "If for the building there are three that are burned," said Suparjo.
Firefighters fielded 18 units of cars to extinguish the fire. The fire was successfully extinguished for two hours. From the fire accident, there were no casualties. But the losses are estimated to reach hundreds of millions of rupiah.
"Losses up to Rp 500 million more," said Suparjo.
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The Fire Was Burning
Three Stalls in the Rawa Buaya
Kahfi Dirga Cahya
Kompas.com - 17/05/2015, 12:02 pm
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - The fire burned the building at the Bojong Indah, Rawa Buaya, West Jakarta, Sunday (5/17/2015) 06:20 am. The fire started from an electrical short circuit in one of the stalls.
Kompas.com - 17/05/2015, 12:02 pm
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - The fire burned the building at the Bojong Indah, Rawa Buaya, West Jakarta, Sunday (5/17/2015) 06:20 am. The fire started from an electrical short circuit in one of the stalls.
"The source of fire from electrical short circuit in the machine shop," said Suparjo as officer of West Jakarta Fire and Disaster Prevention Official when Kompas.com, Jakarta called him, Sunday (5/17/2015).
The fire spread to
other buildings that are on the side. Fire is getting bigger because the
building is a furniture store and screen printing production. "There are
three buildings that burned," said Suparjo.
Firefighters sent 18 units of cars to extinguish the fire. After two hours, the fire was successful extinguished. There were no casualties in the incident. But the losses are estimated to reach hundreds of millions rupiah. "Losses up to Rp 500 million," said Suparjo.
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Awwaliyaty Rahmaniyaty
Awwaliyaty Rahmaniyaty
4SA01 11613528
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