

1.      Tourism activities in a tourist attraction tourist motivation is influence by the availability of tourist attractions , and amenitas that ecotourism can be a solution and benchmark development in the coastal region of Indonesia .
-          Tourism activities in a tourist attraction is influence benchmark development in the coastal region of Indonesia.

2.       Tourism is activity travelling or staying that are done for a while from one place to another place.
-          Tourism is staying for a while from one place to another place.

3.       Not only that, tourism also can be give income or proof for community or region be visited tourist.
-          Tourism can be give proof for region be visited tourist.

4.       Development tourism has affect various sector a country, especially in economic and culture sector a country.
-          Development tourism has effect sector economics and cultures.

5.       The plurality of Indonesia’s land and sea very wide making Indonesia a potential tourist destination.
-          Indonesia’s land and sea are making indonesia potential tourist destination.

6.       So in a sense give more value to a beach attractions , as well as the development of facilities sometimes give bad impact and damage the ecosystem and the beauty of the beach itself.
-          Beach attractions have give bad damage the ecosystem.


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