definition, tourism and development


(Prof. K. Krapf 1942)
“Tourism is the totality of the relationship and phenomena a rising from the travel and stay of strangers, provided the stay does not imply the establiment of a permanent residence and is not connected with remunerated activity”

(Mathieson and Wall 1982)
Tourism as a "temporary movement of people to destination outside the normal workplace and residence, the activities undertaken during their stay in those destinations, and the facilities created to meet their needs."

(H.Kodhyat 1983:4)
Tourism is traveling from one place to another, temporary, done individually or in groups, as an attempt to find a balance or harmony and happiness to the environment in the social, cultural, and natural sciences.

(A.J. Medical Burkart and S. 1987)
Tourism is the temporary movement of people to and within a short time period for purposes outside the place where they usually hlidup and work and their activities during the stay at the destination places.
(Richard Sihite in Marpaung and Bahar (2000:46-47)
Tourism is a journey that is done for a while, which was held from one place to another leaving the original position, with a plan and with the intent not to try or make a living in the places visited, but simply to enjoy leisure activities and pertamsyaan or to meet the diverse desires.

(H.Kodhyat (1983:4)
Tourism is traveling from one place to another, temporary, done individually or in groups, as an attempt to find a balance or harmony and happiness to the environment in the social, cultural, natural and science.

(Prof. Hunziker dan Kraft) (1942)
Tourism is the totality of relationships and phenomena arising from the travel and stay of strangers, provided the stay does not imply the establishment of a permanent residence and is not connected with a remunerated activity.


I think tourism is activity travelling or staying that are for the time being from one place to another places. Usually do it individual as well as group . the people have particular purpose the point to have fun. Not only that, tourism also can give income or proof for community or region be visited.

ARTICLES OF TOURISM: Ecotourism, Tourism Coastal Development Solutions

Indonesia is a country with abundant natural wealth , ranging from oil and gas , fertile agricultural and tourism. It could be approved as geographically and natural appearance Indonesia is archipelago country ( island ) and also has a tropical climate . The plurality of Indonesia's land and sea yan stretched very wide making Indonesia a potential tourist destination .
Indonesia consists of many islands from Sabang to Merauke , and the large island to support Indonesia has a long coastline which is about 95 181 km . Long coastline makes Indonesia has the potential of coastal and marine travel quite a lot . In addition , appearance , culture , and diverse biological every beach , all of it adds to the wealth of Indonesia in the field of tourism .
Krakal Beach , managed Pokdarwis
Utilization coast began in the colonial era , generally the beaches in the colony used as trading centers that encourage the emergence of coastal cities such as Semarang and Batavia ( Jakarta ) . Unfortunately , the coastal town founded these factors does not guarantee that a decent beach made ​​tourist attraction .
Generally only a beach resort to enjoy the beauty of nature , bathing , surfing and other activities that are conventional . It is not separated from how it developed a tourist attraction . Utilization of the beach attractions usually emphasized on the development amenitas , such as the construction of hotels and other facilities such as those in this Bali.Hal less so in a sense give more value to a beach attractions , as well as the development of facilities sometimes give bad impact and damage the ecosystem and the beauty of the beach itself . Construction of the hotel is continuously decreasing value berkibat on exotic beach resort itself, as in some of the coastal attractions in Bali . The impact of the emergence of new hotels will lead to price competition is not sehat.Harga cheaper it will spur the tourists coming to Indonesia , but logically less qualified travelers who will come to Indonesia . This mengakibatkat degradation tourist destination itself.
Coastal tourism development will affect the sustainability of the coastal attractions . In the concept of sustainable tourism has to qualify the economic , social and cultural rights , and the environment itself . With this concept of ecotourism sustainability can be made in reference to the development of a coastal attractions . According to TIES ( The Interntional Ecotourism Society ) in the early 1990s definition of ecotourism as follows : " Ecotourism is responsible travel to the place where the natural environment by preserving and improving the welfare of local people " . Definition we can conclude that contain elements of ecotourism and harmony Dengah sustainable ecotourism concept that takes into account economic, social and cultural , as well as the environment .
Coastal tourism development which refers to ecotourism , basically tourists are invited to enjoy the beauty of nature while practicing conservation measures on ecosystems around the attractions . Ecotourism will give travelers a wide selection of tourist attractions , not just a tourist attraction konvensional.Ekowisata travelers will broaden due to the nature of learning also becomes an attraction of its own in this concept . Application of the concept of ecotourism in the development of coastal tourism provide more options or other attractions for tourists . Ecotourism requires active participation from the tourists themselves . Basically , a growing number of tourist attractions in a tourism will impact increasingly pulling a tourism area .
Conservative activities referred to in ecotourism is also preserves the natural beauty of the beach attractions . This can be done in such a way , do not throw rubbish indiscriminately and only left its mark on every trip is also the basis of ecotourism . The paradigm shift from mass tourism to individuals or small groups affect the sustainability of ecotourism and an ecological conservation paradigm alam.Pergeseran travel tourism will have implications for the tourists themselves , of course, by the conservative consciousness of enjoying a beach attractions will enhance the quality of the tourists themselves .
The concept of ecotourism , the active involvement of social communities surrounding culture also need to be considered . Basically , the surrounding community is the subject of the most familiar sights on the state of nature . They 've lived a long time and is able to adapt well , which indirectly they know how to keep the environment around them . Kesinergisan existence between nature and the indigenous population of childbirth which is the product of the natural dialectic surrounding communities with their departure . Symbiotic mutualism is what makes them understand how to maintain and care for their nature . Culture of the surrounding community will add to the tourist attraction , tourists are encouraged to mingle with the local people would give a different impression for their trip . Utilization of homes as a residential community , the provision of community-managed food and souvenirs are also processed by the local community would certainly add to the income of society itself . This activity will improve the lives and economic communities.
Tourism activities in a tourist attraction tourist motivation is influenced by the availability of tourist attractions , and amenitas that ecotourism can be a solution and benchmark development in the coastal region of Indonesia . Unfortunately , coastal tourism development can not be applied at all beaches in Indonesia . This is due to the different characteristics of beaches and tourist needs of different communities around the coast pula.Kesadaran about ecotourism sometimes also become an obstacle to the development of ecotourism .


Development tourism has affect various sector a country, especially in economic sector a country. Tourist is element carrier affect development it. Generally, affect development tourism is processing develop tourism can be generate affect can’t be avoided a tourism region or area. Positive affect from management tourism there are:
a.       Add foreign exchange
b.      Spread establishment
c.       Create jobs
d.      Spur economic growth
e.       To help increase education and skill’s population
For positive affect arise in development management torism there are:
a.       Increasing competition in prices between sectors
b.      Higher land prices
c.       Encourage inflansi
d.      Danger to high dependence of the state to tourism
e.       Changes in the value system of morals, ethnics, beliefs and the social interaction such as eroding work together, manners, and others
f.       Increase import propensity. 


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