definition, tourism and development
DEFINITION OF TOURISM (Prof. K. Krapf 1942) “Tourism is the totality of the relationship and phenomena a rising from the travel and stay of strangers, provided the stay does not imply the establiment of a permanent residence and is not connected with remunerated activity” (Mathieson and Wall 1982) Tourism as a "temporary movement of people to destination outside the normal workplace and residence, the activities undertaken during their stay in those destinations, and the facilities created to meet their needs." (H.Kodhyat 1983:4) Tourism is traveling from one place to another, temporary, done individually or in groups, as an attempt to find a balance or harmony and happiness to the environment in the social, cultural, and natural sciences. (A.J. Medical Burkart and S. 1987) Tourism is the temporary movement of people to and within a short time period for purposes outside the place where they usually hlidup and work and their activities during the stay...